
New Books Network Interview with Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed

Reviewed in:


Essays and Book Chapters

Forthcoming: “Name Us: Necrology as Elegiac Resistance in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.” Accepted by Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal. Scheduled for print in Spring 2024.

“Secondary Agency: Toni Morrison, Toni Cade Bambara, and the Making of Those Bones Are Not My Child.” Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 42.1 (Spring 2023). 135-156.

“Race and Publishing in the United States: An Advanced Undergraduate Seminar.” In Teaching the History of the Book edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily Todd, University of Massachusetts Press, 2023. 129-137.

“Reading the Archival Remains of Arturo Islas’s La Mollie and the King of Tears.” Twentieth- Century Literature 68.4 (December 2021), 307-340.

“Posthumous Editing in the Modern US.” The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature, ed. Paula Rabinowitz. Oxford UP, April 2020.“Living in Print: The Half-Dead Books of Three Posthumously Published Chicana/o Writers.” Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies 42.1 (Spring 2017). 179-196.

“Translating in the Margins: Attending to Glossaries in Latina/o Literature.” Journal of Modern Literature 39.3 (Spring 2016): 57-75.

“ ‘La vida es el honor y el recuerdo’: Oscar Zeta Acosta’s Paratextual Struggle for Survival.” College Literature 43.2 (April 2016). 310-341.   

 “‘Damaged Pieces’: Embracing Border Textuality in Revisions of Ana Castillo’s Sapogonia.”  MELUS 37.3 (2012). 167-188.

 “Negotiating Language: Latino/a Glossaries, Translations, and Code-switching.” The Routledge Companion to Latino/a Literature.  Ed. Frances Aparicio and Suzanne Bost. London: Routledge, 2012.  207-215. 

“Looking Into a Speaking Mirror: Politics, Interpretation, and the English Translation of One Hundred Years of Solitude.”  Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association.  41.1 (2008). 46-55.

Creative Writing

“Sleepwalking,” MUTHA Magazine, July 14, 2020